Not sure how to enable your employees to develop their career and professional capabilities over time? Here's an easy way to get started with a proven process that works regardless of the age or size of your company.
Five Questions Smart Managers Regularly Ask Their Employees — Thomvest Ventures
The Jobs-to-be-Done Market Discovery Template — JTBD + Outcome-Driven Innovation
The Jobs-to-be-Done Market Discovery Template is a framework that entrepreneurs, startups and managers can use to define a target market through a jobs-to-be-done lens. Using it mitigates the risk of targeting a phantom or overserved market as it directs the user to define a market around an underserved job.
Startups, Biz Dev
The Jobs-to-be-Done Market Discovery Template — JTBD + Outcome-Driven Innovation
This is the third in a multi-part series on LGBTQ+ inclusion in design. Check out the first two articles on why LGBTQ+ inclusion in design matters and how bias manifests in design organizations.
Inclusive by Design
Color in Design: Influence on Users' Actions — Tubik Blog
The article is devoted to the issue of using various colors in user interfaces and branding design, associations and the influence of color choice on user behavior.
Color in Design: Influence on Users' Actions — Tubik Blog