When a customer uses a company's products and services to achieve a goal or need, they are going on a journey from point A to point Z. A customer journey map charts the path a user takes from the beginning of this journey to the satisfaction of that need.
Joe Leech offers a rundown on his UX review process, sharing tips about analysing data and creating personas, and setting out findings in a form that benefits clients. From quick wins to workshops, there are gifts here everyone will be grateful for.
The animation property in CSS can be used to animate many other CSS properties such as color, background-color, height, or width. Each animation needs to be defined with the @keyframes at-rule which is then called with the animation property.
The Animation Property
5 Great 2D Character Rigging Tutorials for After Effects
Character animation is one of the trickiest techniques in After Effects. It’s become a very popular technique for all sorts of animations, especially things like explainer videos and shorts. But creating great character animation starts with great character rigging, and this is something that takes a little work.
After Effects
5 Great 2D Character Rigging Tutorials for After Effects