Accessibility is the process of removing barriers to meet people’s access needs. It goes hand in hand with usability, affordability, availability, and overall good design. This article focuses specifically on visual barriers in typography.
The Controversy of Accessible Type
Stakeholder Interview — UX Knowledge Base Sketches
At the beginning of a UX research and design project a Stakeholder Interview should be conducted to find out the Business Goals, Existing Research including User Research, Competitors and Technological Limitations.
Stakeholder Interview — UX Knowledge Base Sketches
Information And Information Architecture: The BIG Picture
Information architecture is the process of categorizing and organizing information to create structure and meaning. This article explores not only the basics of information architecture, but also the broader view of the information age, how we use information and how it impacts our world and our lives.
Information Architecture
Information And Information Architecture: The BIG Picture
The power titles used to come with are slowly fading away in the modern business world. There is also a trend right now where companies and individuals create their own titles to hype their brands in marketing channels.