As a free and powerful web analytics tool, Google Analytics is more popular than ever. In fact, W3Techs estimates that about 53% of all websites today uses it — and so should you.
How to Setup Google Analytics Correctly
100 Tools to Launch & Grow Your Start-up Without Web Weveloper, Graphic Designer and (almost) Without Money
Type design may be intimidating to many, with terms such as leading, baseline, kerning, ascender, tail, and many more … The good news is, there are eight basic, universal typographical design elements: typeface, hierarchy, contrast, consistency, alignment, white space, and color. Even a basic understanding of each of these elements can revolutionize any design project.
Typography Elements Everyone Needs to Understand — Gravit Designer Blog
Creating Empathy Maps is useful for synthesizing research data in order to better understand the users. Empathy Maps are great for creating Personas, identifying users with different mindsets.